About Patrick James
Patrick has now been joined by his sons: Mike, Patrick, Jr. and Clay. Together, they have built Patrick James, Inc. into a growing firm with a national catalog and e-commerce website and nine upscale men’s clothing and lifestyle stores spread throughout California and Nevada. While the flavor and fashion of the merchandise may have changed in part, the hallmarks of quality and exemplary service are as present today as they were on that first day in 1962. Patrick James still has its share of private label clothing and opulent merchandise, but has now expanded its offerings to include lifestyle brands and luxurious men’s sportswear collections. The buyers and merchandisers for Patrick James have a mission to obtain the unique and exquisite from around the world, without ever sacrificing quality and workmanship. The tradition is kept alive with offerings from England, Scotland, U.S.A., and Ireland, while the contemporary is blended in from Italy, France, Germany, Canada and Japan. Patrick James has become an exclusive upscale men’s store with an international flavor without sacrificing any of its Old World roots
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